Hi, Hendo here, founder of veteran hiring solutions. I'm excited to present to you my favorite interview close. I've been helping veterans find meaningful employment for close to 20 years, and by far, this is the best interview close that I've heard.
What you're trying to accomplish is two things: One, you want to let them know that you're genuinely interested in the opportunity (if you are), and two, you want to confirm you present your best foot forward.
So how you close an interview is something like this. When they get to the point of "Hey Justin, thank you so much for your time, any further questions before we end" or whatever... you can tell when that interview is about to end... You want to say something like this.
"Hi, first of all, thank you so much for your time today. I was really excited to have this conversation, come on site, and meet the team. And now that I have, I have to tell you, I think I'm the right fit for this role, and I think this is the right role for me. So that being said, I have to ask. Is there anything you heard from me, anything you saw from me that would stop me from moving forward? Because if so, I want one more shot to win this interview."
What you're doing is you're letting know you're genuinely interested. And every good hiring manager knows if you're passionate about the role and you're interested, your performance is higher. So one that gives you the leg up.
And then two, you don't want to assume anything. But you want to make sure that you've answered all those questions to the best of your ability so that if it is the right role for you to get the job.
I hope this helps any questions, please reach out.